North Carolina
Scope of Services
Nestled in the beautiful foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Cleveland County offers some of the best small town living in North Carolina. Environmental stewardship is a central focus for this community, so we’re proud to be their partner as they plan, design, and build their long-term waste management strategy.
Since 2018, we’ve assisted Cleveland County in meeting and exceeding their planning and project goals.
In conjunction with our principal partners, engineer Caroline Funderburk provides the day-to-day management for Garrett & Moore activities on site, always delivering unparalleled quality and service.
Landfill gas monitoring, reporting, management, and recovery. Ground and surface water monitoring, reporting, and management., Title V permit.
Local, state, and federal compliance, reporting, planning, and evaluation.
Foundation stability & settlement, seismic analysis , cap & waste stability, liquefaction, drilling investigations, pavement design, geosynthetic design, soil borrow studies
Rate tudies, budgeting, annual reporting, and more.
We certify reports documents, submissions, etc. so that county officials can be confident at every step of the process.
Garrett & Moore’s ability to solve both short and long-term solid waste challenges always exceeds our expectations.
—Josh Davis
Cleveland County Landfill Director
We provide a suite of related services for Cleveland County, including:
Comprehensive operational consulting
Composting and organics management
Construction Quality Assurance
Site Utilization Assessment and Soil Inventory Analysis
Year-end closure and post-closure certifications
Life of site permitting for future phases 4-7
Leachate management system improvements
Convenience center planning and design