We need tomorrow’s solutions, today.
Addressing the way communities design, manage, and sunset waste programs is one of society’s greatest environmental challenges.
It’s why we do what we do.
We live here, too.
Key Services
Facility Life Cycle Cost Engineering & Financial Assurance
Landfill Engineering, Design, Closure, Analysis
Compliance Surveys, Site Studies
On-site Operations, Administration
The Southeast region, home to North and South Carolina where we live and work, boasts some of the country’s most biodiverse land and vibrant communities. We’re proud that the Carolinas and their neighboring states are focusing attention on meaningful improvement in waste streams management and working with us to do so.
For the last 30 years, our team has worked across the Southeast, focusing almost exclusively on waste management consulting and engineering solutions. This kind of expertise has been invaluable to both public and private sector clients.
For clients, we:
Implement sustainable waste management practices that minimize their environmental impact, preserving the beauty and ecological health of the Carolinas for future generations.
Track and monitor regulatory issues to make sure communities and private industry meet local, state, and federal guidelines.
Mitigate client risk by making sure that best-practices are used for materials handling, storage, and disposal.
Track, manage, and analyze operations and costs to make sure every project is at peak efficiency. We’ve built a stellar reputation for fiscal stewardship.
We’d love to help you meet your goals, too.
Solid Waste Engineering
Facility siting studies
Hydrogeology & geotechnical assessments
Cell and life of site design / permitting,
New cell construction & CQA Services
Landfill closure
Alternative liner & final cover analysis
Stormwater design, SWPPP
Leachate system design, NPDES permitting & monitoring, disposal
Operations & fill sequence planning
Soil borrow studies & planning
“Piggyback” landfill expansion
Capacity analyses
Facility infrastructure design and construction
Solid Waste Consulting
Tip fee analysis
Closure/post-closure financial assurance
Pro forma cost of services analysis
Bond issues
Site valuations
Airspace utilization studies
Operations consulting (on-site)
Compliance surveys
Environmental justice screening
Public meetings & community relations