We ensure compliance and manage risk, so you can power safer communities.
Key Services
Engineering, Permitting, and Construction for:
CCR Ash Landfill Closure
New CCR Landfill Facility & Cell
CCR Ash Pond Closure
Legacy Ash Pile Closure
New Wastewater management facilities
CCR ash landfill operations consulting
Construction Bidding, Management and CQA Services
Environmental assessments, remediation cleanup rationales, and environmental justice screening
CCR rule compliance certifications and consulting
Demolition and non-hazardous materials management
NPDES Pond Closure
Financial Assurance and Conditional Asset Retirement Obligation Cost Engineering
Rate Case Expert Testimony
In coal combustion residual (CCR) management, expertise is paramount due to the complex nature of this byproduct and its potential environmental and public health impacts. Effective CCR management demands a deep understanding of the chemical composition and behavior of coal ash, as well as knowledge of regulatory requirements and best practices for handling, storage, and disposal.
The Garrett & Moore team has more than 60 combined years of expertise in CCR management, gained from working for some of the Southeast’s largest power companies and several public service commissions.
We can design and manage any part of the CCR lifecycle, from management and closure of existing facilities to the design of new ones. Lean on our team for expert guidance, every step of the way.